Meet our extraordinary guests
Jason Barnes
Jason Barnes is a pastor, business owner, and proud father of six children. He was born in Texas, but raised in California. His faith was tested when his two oldest children were diagnosed with cancer within six months of each other. God proved Himself faithful through that journey, but it wasn’t easy. Afterward, his family decided to help meet their community’s needs and became foster parents. Throughout the next ten years, they added three more children to their family. Jason’s passion is to pass on the faith that carried him through the trials of his life. According to him, “Faith in God will bring you through anything”.
Samee Dowlatshahi
Samee Dowlatshahi is a husband, father, community leader and successful restaurant owner. Samee’s “Faith Over Fear” attitude has played out all of his life. Coming to the United States from Iran as a teenager without money or knowing the language, he has practiced placing faith over fear along with hard work to create a successful business and to contribute to his community. He is the owner of Samee’s Pizza Getti, a popular restaurant in Rockwall, Texas. He is married to Molly and they have 3 children.